Get Organized, Home, Pain-Free, Moving, Tips for Seniors
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Savvy Tips for Seniors to Merge and Purge Stuff

-Savvy Tips for Seniors to Merge and Purge Stuff-

If you are planning a move or moving in with someone new, our Tampa Bay real estate team has expert tips for seniors to merge and purge excess household stuff. Speaking from personal experience, we can attest downsizing helps seniors clear the way for living a more carefree lifestyle in their dream Florida home.

Specifically, decluttering before a move is important for empty nesters transitioning to a smaller space, retirees moving in with friends to split expenses, seniors starting new marriages, and snowbirds merging two homes. Letting go of the old stuff and co-creating a newly organized living space are the keys to success for savvy seniors.

4 Tips for Seniors to Downsize and Merge Households

  1. Communicate and Consolidate: For starters, talking with your roommate, partner, or spouse is important when deciding which household items to move, merge, or purge. For example, you will only need one coffeemaker at your Florida condo. To downsize, you will also need to consolidate dishware to fit in the cabinets. Weigh all options for determining the most comfortable couch, best appliances, and the sharpest knife set to make the cut.
  2. Schedule and Strategize: Once you have made the big decisions about the living essentials, you can set a plan of action for other household items and storage areas. Schedule a day when you both have time to sort through items for keeping, donating, or selling. Keep it simple by focusing on one specific area at a time, such as a day for organizing the garage or a morning for decluttering closets. Be sure to allot plenty of time to open those old storage bins and re-evaluate if certain items are still worth keeping.
  3. Let Go and Give Away: Honestly, you are going to come across things that should simply be purged, tossed, or recycled; this includes tattered towels and broken electronics that nobody wants. Furniture, clothing, and usable items, however, could be appreciated by others. For example, a local charity or non-profit may accept your donations, and you may be able to write those items off for a tax break.  Don’t forget that family members are also a great option for offering photos, heirlooms, and household items.
  4. To Sell or To Store: Certain things might hold great value for you, but your new home may not be able to hold them. A last resort would be renting a temporary storage unit, although this option will put a dent in a senior’s budget. Savvy seniors will consider selling items for a profit and make extra money to pay for moving expenses.  A garage sale, estate sale, or auction are all profitable options.  Free smartphone apps and web platforms like eBay, Craig’s List, Nextdoor, and Facebook Marketplace are also easy-to-use sales tools.

We hope these tips help seniors make the move to enjoy the ultimate Florida lifestyle. Contact Dick and Karla Nielsen at 813-294-5786 for information about buying, selling, and investing in Florida.