Heart Healthy Home

Healthy Home for a Happy Heart

February marks American Heart Month, a perfect time for everyone from children to seniors to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. One way to support your heart health is to cultivate a healthy living space in your home.We’ve compiled a fun list of small changes to increase physical activity in your home – changes that won’t require you to spend a dime or get on that dreaded treadmill.  Be sure, however, to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise routine, diet, or regimen.

Clean Home for a Clean Bill of Health
We all know that healthy eating habits can start at home, but so can fitness. Household chores like cleaning, taking out the trash, and yard work are dynamic for keeping the body moving. Why not intensify these activities so that they count as a full workout? For example, make it a competition with family members to complete the greatest number of chores within a certain time limit. Be sure to include a prize incentive so the kids (or husbands) are inspired to play along. If you’re solo, you could use a music playlist to time yourself for certain activities, such as finishing vacuuming within two songs. Your heart will surely be pumping by the time your chores are complete.In the end, you could have a clean space and your workout complete.

Play with Pets for a Physical Active Life
This one starts off pretty simple.  Get up and play with your pet.  Dogs and cats are often eager to play, and you can get a decent workout by tossing the ball, swirling a string, and running around the house with your buddy. For those with dogs and yard space, you can have a blast working out at home with your pet. Run through the sprinklers, toss the old Frisbee, play tug-of-war, or go for a long walk around the neighborhood with your pet to stimulate your heart health while also promoting your pet’s health.

Limit Screen Time for a Little Excitement
Experts suggest that adults and children should limit their screen time to a few hours a day, which is NOT an easy task in today’s world. It’s tempting to sit in front of the tube or surf the web during downtime.  Although as adults, we must make a firm commitment to adding physical activity to our routine. First, set a limit on screens, such as only watching certain TV shows during certain timeframes.  You may even want to rearrange furniture in the living room so the TV isn’t a focal point. Next,replace screen time with FUN activities that you could enjoy, such as dancing around the house to some music or taking a walk outside.  Get the whole family involved or invite friends over for a game night.  Play a game with movement required, such as charades.  Heart healthy activity can be simple and fun when you set your mind to it.

These tips won’t take any money from your home budget, but they just might add a few years to your life.  We also suggest participating in local marathons, fundraisers, and walk-a-thons to increase exercise while supporting a good cause.  Please be sure to consult your physician before starting any new exercise program.  As real estate experts, we’re simply providing general tips to help homeowners like you create an enjoyable, healthy living space.

If you’re a Florida resident needing help finding the perfect home in your dream neighborhood, call Dick and Karla Nielsen at 813-294-5786 today.