Pet-Friendly Tips for Home Pest Control
-Pet-Friendly Tips for Home Pest Control-
In Florida, home pest control is a necessary task, but pet safety is a top priority. No one wants harmful chemicals around beloved cats, dogs, or other furry friends. Whether taking steps to prevent an infestation or undergoing a full fumigation, consider these pet-friendly tips.
First, Prevent Pests from Entering Your Home
As always, prevention is the best method. If you are a pet parent, consult with your veterinarian for the best flea medicine for your pets. Proactive approaches to flea and tick control are essential for pet health as well as important for preventing pests from entering your home.
For home pest control, also focus on chemical-free ways to prevent other kinds of insects. For example, create a strong seal or barrier around your home. This includes replacing screens, sealing windows, and adding weather-strips around doors. New windows and doors could also optimize protection and add to your home value.
Eliminating any cracks or gaps around your home will block out pests, but it will also help defend you against the damaging effects of Florida’s wet and humid climate. Termites and silverfish are some of the most destructive insects. They are attracted to moist areas around your home’s foundation, so always remove any standing water and clear out any wet leaves or debris around your home.
Also, remove debris or limbs near your roof to deter pests. If needed, replace your roof to ensure it remains a strong barrier against pests, water damage, and other unwanted problems.
Eliminate Insects Inside Your Tampa Bay Home
Like a customs agent, inspect anything coming into your Tampa Bay home. Look inside all those boxes, containers, and products entering your home to eliminate any insects trying to hitch a ride into your house. Of course, also be sure to store all your food as well as pet foods and treats in tightly sealed containers to avoid attracting insects.
When necessary, there are pet-friendly products and citrus-based solutions for home pest control. Many are available for different types of insects at Tampa Bay retail stores, but you may prefer DIY options for repellants with ingredients like vinegar, dish soap, and essential oils. Either way, be cautious and do your research. Some natural products are harmful for pets.
Finally, have a pet-safety plan if chemical pest control, fumigation, or tenting becomes necessary for home pest control. Restrict your pets from treated areas. If fumigating a home, take your pet to a different location along with their food, treats, medications, leashes, collars, litter, bedding, and toys for their safety and to avoid contamination of items.
We hope these home pest control tips help you maintain safe and happy spaces. Contact Dick and Karla Nielsen today at 813-294-5786 for helpful information on home buying, selling, investing, and other pet-friendly real estate advice.