Pets Safe Holidays Dog Cat

Holiday Food Safety for Pets

It’s that time of year.  Your refrigerator is full of food and your home is full of guests asking, “Is it okay to give him this food?”

Most of us pause to think if a certain food is safe for Fido. Will he get sick, or has he already had too many table scraps?  In an effort to help you, we’ve talked with Tampa veterinary experts to determine some specific foods that aren’t safe for pets.  This is not a comprehensive list of pet dangers, but it is a start for protecting your cats and dogs.

-Dangerous Drinks
You can eat, drink, and be merry; however, don’t let the pets do the same.  Alcohol, coffee, and tea flow heavily during holiday parties.  People leave drinks on low-rise tables and other places easily accessed by curious cats and dogs.  Because of their lower body weight, your pets may quickly become sick from sipping an alcoholic beverage.  Also, caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea can be fatal, causing increased or irregular heart rhythms.  It’s smart to stay vigilant in encouraging your guests to keep both food and drinks in high, out-of-reach places.

-Tainted Treats and Baked Goods
Chocolates, sweets, cookies, and baked goods can be more than dangerous for your figure.  They may also pose a risk to your pets.  For example, chocolate contains caffeine and toxic chemicals for pets, including theobromine. Also, certain sugar-free items, including candies, gum, and sweets, may contain the toxic chemical Xylitol, which has been reported to cause liver damage and dangerous fluctuations in blood sugar. The ingestion of unbaked doughs, including bread dough, can be fatal and cause expansion in your pet’s stomach along with other negative bodily reactions to yeast. Keeping all food out of reach and trashcans covered is critical to eliminating tempting smells for your pets to investigate.

-Fatal Fruits, Nuts, and Plants
You know it’s the holidays when you have fruits, nuts, and plants on tables throughout your home. While many dogs occasionally enjoy a small taste of all-natural peanut butter, there are other nuts that can cause poisoning, vomiting, tremors, and lethargy. One such nut to avoid is the Macadamia nut.  Additionally avoid grapes and raisins, which can cause kidney problems in pets. Citrus seeds, peels, and leaves can also irritate your pet’s stomach and alter his or her nervous system.

Moreover, regarding plants, rumors of deadly Poinsettia plants have been downgraded in recent years with studies showing it would take a substantial amount of ingestion to cause a fatal poisoning.  Even a small ingested amount of Poinsettia, however, can cause nausea and vomiting.  A bad reaction is similarly seen in mistletoe or holly ingestions, which contain toxic chemicals causing extreme stomach upset and critical care issues.

If left untreated, certain poisonings can be fatal.  If you believe your pet has ingested a dangerous food, drink, or plant in your home – please immediately contact your veterinarian or head to the local pet clinic. 

As our readers and customers know, we love our pets.  We consider them a member of the family and an important part of the home buying and selling process. It’s our pleasure to help Florida residents like you keep your homes happy and safe for your entire family. Call Dick and Karla Nielsen today at 813-294-5786 for helpful information on home buying, selling, and other real estate advice.

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